What to expect

Carpet Cleaning and What To Expect

When it’s time for carpet cleaning what to expect from the business you choose should be considered. As well as what’s normal and expected from your carpet manufacturer.

  • Before We Arrive
  • While There
  • After We Leave


Pre-clean and vacuum prior to our arrival. Even though we are here to clean your carpets, by pre vacuuming you are getting all of the loose easy to get dirt out of the way. This allows our products and equipment to focus on the tough stuff that’s deep in your carpet.

Have any furniture moved you need us to clean under.

Provide a spot close to the front door for us to park. A short hose run will allow us to setup quicker so we can spend more time cleaning your carpets. This also helps the carpet to dry even faster.

During Carpet Cleaning and What To Expect

We will need access to fresh water, such as a garden hose bib outside. We will soften and heat your water with our equipment prior to cleaning.

Spot for dirty water disposal while we clean, possibilities include a toilet, sink, or laundry drain.

Awareness of slip and fall risk. Carpet, stairs, and hard surfaces can pose a risk when damp while we are cleaning. Keep in mind, carpets may remain damp for several hours after we leave.

Once Finished  

Carpet cleaning and what to expect after we leave:

Slip and fall risk will exist until the carpet is fully dry. We will wipe up any moisture on hard surfaces, but there will be a continued risk after we leave. So be aware and please let family and any visitors know as well.

Please let us know if there’s anything we could’ve done better. If anything isn’t to your satisfaction and needs to be addressed, I would like to make it right.

If you love the work we have done, consider telling your friends and leaving a review.

Thank you so much for choosing Parkers Clean Carpet for your cleaning needs!

  • Carpet Warranties
  • What Can Void
  • Cleaning

Is Your Carpet Under Warranty?

Carpet cleaning and what to expect from the manufacturer. I have found manufactures all have different warranties, and they often even differ within their own products.

If your carpet is older and has been stained, or hasn’t been professionally cleaned on a regular basis, unfortunately your warranty is probably already void. However, if your carpet is newer or is likely to still be under a manufacturer warranty, be careful how you clean your carpet. Some equipment, products, and techniques will void the manufactures warranty.

If the carpet is still under warranty, be sure to let me know before I begin. This is important, as not all professional processes and products are allowed within warranty.

Warranty Exclusions On Carpet Cleaning and What To Expect

Generally, the warranty is only there to protect the customer from manufacturer defects to the carpet. When it comes to stains, wear and tear, and cleaning, that’s a different story. I have found some of the following will typically void a warranty:

  • Water damage
  • Coffee, wine, bleach, urine, and other common stains
  • Many store-bought chemicals to self-clean
  • Not cleaning, and/or using the wrong type of cleaning technique
  • Products with a PH that is too high
  • Using commercial dry foam or powders to dry clean the carpet

Warranty Requirements

I have found many warranties require Hot Water Extraction cleaning on a regular basis, varying between 12-24 months. Other processes, such as dry compound cleaning, bonnet, pad capping, and encapsulation are often not allowed. Especially when a rotary brush or bonnet/pad machine is used. See this article I found describing carpet warranties and cleaning in a commercial setting if you’re interested in reading more.

  • Quality Promise
  • Cancellations
  • Payment

Thoughts On Quality Carpet Cleaning and What to Expect

We will do our very best to restore your carpets to a like new condition. However, it’s important to be aware there are times where the fibers are just worn, and no amount of cleaning can repair the damage. There are also some situations where the stains will not come out, or are deep in the pad and could reappear. Because of this, we are unable to guarantee performance. We will however do everything possible to ensure your satisfaction with our work, and that we leave with a job well done.

If for any reason you are not satisfied with our service, we ask that you reach out as soon as possible so that we may try and fix the concern.

Schedule Considerations

Please let us know at least 24hrs in advance if cleaning needs to be rescheduled. Same day cancellations will result in a charge equal to our minimum cleaning fee of $150.00.

At the time of booking we may collect the minimum cleaning fee of $150.00, with any remaining balance payable upon completion of service.

  • How To Decide
  • Who Gets Used
  • What We Do

Research Carpet Cleaning and What To Expect

When looking at various cleaning companies and trying to decide who to use, it often becomes verry difficult to figure out what’s best for you. Most sites don’t explain the different techniques, some don’t even disclose what technique they use, and very few go into the specifics of how they perform their chosen process. Because of this, the site is just a general sales pitch with you having little understanding of why you are truly using them.

About Other Cleaners 

You’ll find some cleaners get used solely because of extensive or high-quality marketing, others are great people and you use them because you like them, but are they doing a great job cleaning? If you’re fortunate, you find a good quality cleaner, but they might lack in professionalism, communication or punctuality. So, is it possible to keep it simple and find a company that you want to do business with, and actually delivers on the service as well? That was the goal when I created Parkers Clean Carpet, to build a company that is transparent, easy to work with, provides a high-quality service, and is environmentally friendly too. Contact Us today to schedule your cleaning.

Details on what we do

We use Hot Water Extraction to clean your carpets. We begin with using quality chemistry, which is green and 98% plant based.

After pretreating, we use a counter rotating brush (CRB) to work the product into the fibers to ensure a deep clean of the entire fiber, not just the top third. This also helps restore high traffic areas to their original condition by lifting the pile and restoring the fibers, while loosening and removing soil, debris, and hair that might otherwise be left behind.

Using our equipment, we heat, pressurize, and even go a step further to soften your tap water. Staying environmentally friendly, we responsibly dispose of waste water as we clean.

Depending on the situation, we use either a high quality 4-jet two-inch wand and/or a rotary jet extraction machine to sanitize and completely rinse the fibers. With up to five high power vacuum motors, extreme suction power and lift is generated to remove the most moisture and debris possible.